Home » Small Teen Turns Eighteen – Review

Small Teen Turns Eighteen – Review

[ Before people start commenting – please be aware that I am neither Jasmine or Bev Burkitt.  Their official website can be found over here ]

I’ve taken straight to the computer after watching the next instalment of Jasmine Burkitt in Small Teen Turns Eighteen on BBC Three.   The difficulties in getting clothes and shoes to fit I could totally empathise with, however it was Jasmine and her Dad’s relationship, or her Dad’s relationship with drugs, that I had the most difficultly.


Drugs, or the treatment and support of addicts is such a divisive subject.  I found myself equally frustrated with not only her Dad’s attitude and helplessness with drugs, but also Jasmine’s honest opinion in not feeling able to support her father through the detox process.  I wonder, how many of us would really know how we would react in such circumstances?  I have no idea how I would cope in that situation being a 17/18 years old, especially when the world is so very black and white at that age. One hopes that Jazz’s experiences provides some comfort to those going through the same situation.  The documentary showed a balanced view of dealing with the horrible effects drugs has on peoples’ lives, that none of us have the correct answer to such an illness that doesn’t discriminate who it effects.

The documentary made me feel quite sad. It was honest, at times raw and challenging, with poignant touches of humour with Jasmine’s family and friends, though ultimately wonderful to see Jasmine grow into a confident, young woman.

What did you think?

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