Surface Pattern Design… a love affair
Friday 10 January 2025I often reflect on how I came to be a creative practitioner. I was a web designer and content producer in my past life, and I blogged on this website. I fell into the art world, more specifically, participatory art, in 2017. It gave me a funnel to channel my… Read more

October Reflections on social media use and the journey here
Friday 18 October 2024Do you have a favourite month? One that makes you feel and see the world refreshed, renewed and reflective? I have two favourite months – September and October. Why? Well, September always brings a sense of excitement for the new academic year. The thrill of buying new stationery and a… Read more

6 Years On – Time For A New Dwarfism Must-Follow List? Oh, Yes!
Wednesday 16 October 2024It’s hard to believe that it has been 6 years since I wrote the blog post ’13 Must-Follow People in the Dwarfism Community’. It’s still consistently one of my most-read when I look at my site statistics, and for a while now, I’ve been thinking it’s time for a new… Read more

Dwarfism Awareness Month 2024 – time for a change of direction?
Wednesday 2 October 2024This post is also available to read on the HelloLittleLady SubStack Account. October is a popular month for awareness raising, but this particular one is close to my heart. Dwarfism Awareness Month in October seeks to raise awareness of the challenges of what life is like when you live with… Read more

Do you need a break?
Monday 16 September 2024I don’t mean a 15-minute one here, an hour there, or even a week or two of holiday, but a deep, life-pausing rest. The type that makes you have to stop, whether through illness, family challenges, or burnout. Perhaps all three collide at the same time (holds hand up). Life… Read more

All Hail The SubStack – kinda
Tuesday 18 June 2024Hello, It’s been rather long while since I’ve written a blog post. Life and health have proved challenging. I’ve also discovered another platform to be able to write my musings on life, creativity and Dwarfism – it’s called SubStack. All Hail The SubStack I felt resistance to SubStack for quite… Read more

How to vote in the 2024 U.K. General Election
Friday 14 June 2024There’s a general election happening here in the U.K. on Thursday 4th, July. Over the past 14 years of Tory rule, the country has been a very challenging place for disabled people, some of which I have documented on this blog. If you don’t follow politics, this post outlines how… Read more

2023 – The Missing Year
Saturday 23 December 2023Hello, Little Lady blog hasn’t had much investment over the past few years. We’ve had the pandemic, our daughter being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2021, and then a long recovery period after being hospitalised with pneumonia earlier this year. You can see why it has felt like a… Read more

Watch New Encounters bursary – Twoomph Performance
Monday 26 June 2023Hello, it’s been a while since I wrote a post. Despite the silence on this blog, there’s been quite a bit going on. There have been several creative projects and work; one of them was this wonderful bursary awarded by Sunderland Culture called New Encounters. The aim of the bursary… Read more

Reflecting on 2022
Thursday 29 December 2022Hello, It feels like 2022 has raced by in a blur. It’s certainly had several high points, but there have been some difficult times for us as a family. Type 1 diabetes We continue to adjust our lives around the arrival of Type 1 Diabetes in the family. Before my… Read more

Does Strictly struggle with disabled contestants?
Monday 7 November 2022As a disabled person, you have to wonder if BBC Strictly Come Dancing, despite its best efforts, is an inherently ableist show. Strictly has been on our TV screens for two decades and, thankfully, we are increasingly seeing a more diverse set of contestants. Yet having watched the show each… Read more

Where is Hello, Little Lady?
Monday 18 July 2022Sadly, there hasn’t been much content or discussion on Hello, Little Lady over the past 18 to 24 months. Reactionary to particular events – personal, professional and family has meant that other parts of my life have had to take priority. There have been many moments over the past 18… Read more

How to be a better ally for the Dwarfism community
Sunday 16 January 2022Well, what a week for the #Dwarfism community (week 10th January). From Paralympian, Will Perry, raising awareness about the abuse we face as a community, to Dr Erin Pritchard’s successful campaigning to asking Marks and Spencers to rename their Midget Gem sweets to Mini Gems. Public reactions have been telling… Read more

Disability and the Politics of Visibility – Durham Book Festival
Thursday 2 December 2021When Little Cog approached me about this commission, I jumped at the chance. Not only because of the opportunity to be part of such a prestigious event but also the privilege it felt to be included alongside the other amazing disability artists in the line-up. Representation Matters I remember being… Read more

Beyond Disability Accessibility – What’s the conversation once we are in the room?
Thursday 2 September 2021My writing has taken a back seat over the last 6months or so. Firstly, due to major challenges in my family and personal life, but also professionally. It’s taken me quite a while to be able to articulate why. One of the frustrations experienced was questioning my role in the… Read more

WayFinders – Project Podcast
Monday 26 July 2021 About the Project WayFinders was a project working with women from the Dwarfism community to talk about the more humorous aspects of their lived experiences of living with this disability. The project was called WayFinders because the participants, by joining in the workshops, were showing the community that it… Read more

A Little Pondering – Towards a Takeover
Tuesday 15 June 2021Towards a Takeover is a mini-commission by Disconsortia – a consortium of disabled artists in the North East of England. A Little Pondering by Hello Little Lady Hello Little Lady is an artist and creative practitioner using visual, written, audio and participatory practices to explore the Dwarfism community’s lived experiences. Her… Read more

A Little Tension – Disconsortia
Tuesday 15 June 2021Content awareness – contains discriminatory phrases used against disabled people and people with dwarfism, examples of a system stacked against disabled people with reference to PIP claims. A commission for Disconsortia’s – At The Table online exhibition in response to the pandemic and the obstacles disabled people face within the arts… Read more

Pass Me Your Shoes: An Interview with Angela Muir Van Etten
Thursday 22 October 2020Hello, Little Lady was delighted when Angela Muir Van Etten, author of ‘Dwarfs Don’t Live in Doll Houses’ approached to read and review her latest memoir, Pass Me Your Shoes: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigate Life’s Detours with Love and Faith. Angela, who has been one of the leading figures at… Read more

Become A Wayfinder!
Tuesday 20 October 2020While there are A LOT of horrible social aspects to living with Dwarfism, there is no doubt we’ve all had a giggle or two at some of the reactions of the non-disabled to our bodies. WayFinders aims to turn the tables and provide us with the opportunity to laugh at… Read more

Stop Dwarfism Hate
Wednesday 7 October 2020Post contents Abusive behaviour has not changed in 15 years – it’s worse! » The first time a non-disabled person tried to photograph me without consent » Devastating Impact » A picture paints a thousand words » Aiming to Empower The Dwarfism Community » How to support #StopDwarfismHate as an… Read more

Dwarfism Awareness Month 2020
Thursday 1 October 2020Hello! Erm, how did it get to be October already? Did a pandemic happen or something?! Ha! Anyway, bad jokes aside, we are now into October and that means one thing! It’s Dwarfism Awareness Month 2020! The chance for the community to celebrate, embrace and talk about our lived experiences.… Read more

Arts and Immersive Technologies – Will It Erase The Dwarf Perspective?
Thursday 23 July 2020Artists and Immersive Technologies March 2020 seems such a long time ago, yet some days, a blink of an eye ago. There was talk of COVID-19, yet is seemed a continent or two away. Within the next two weeks, the country would go into lockdown. Before we retreated to our… Read more

Creative Art Workshops for the Dwarfism Community
Wednesday 3 June 2020In October 2019, the first podcasting workshop specifically for the Dwarfism community took place in Leeds. The workshop was funded by Sunderland Culture as part of the Develop Your Creative Practice Fellowship. To build on the success of the workshop, I am looking to gain a greater understanding of the… Read more

The Unexpected Benefits of Social Distancing as a Dwarf Person
Monday 1 June 2020We are now into the third month of the lockdown and I have found a few unexpected benefits of social distancing as a Dwarf person. I don’t aim to detract from anyone’s personal experiences. It’s affected many aspects of life and brought about much stress and anxiety for many people,… Read more

After Life – Gervais and Co. still making jokes at Dwarf Peoples’ expense
Monday 11 May 2020Adult themes are discussed in this post if you are under 18 – please go back to the home page. The first series of After Life was, I begrudgingly conceded at the time, was very good. I was constantly on guard waiting for some sort of Dwarf joke, but Gervias… Read more

Social Distancing, Shopping and Dwarfism
Thursday 16 April 2020When the lockdown measures were announced because of COVID-19, one of my instant worries as a Dwarf person was with food shopping. Ordinarily, shopping as a Dwarf person is a challenge. Mix social distancing measures, shopping and Dwarfism together and you have a nightmare. Why? In ordinary times shopping is… Read more

Seeking Support During The COVID-19 Pandemic As A Dwarf Person
Monday 6 April 2020Seeking support during the COV-19 pandemic as a Dwarf person is essential. The last few weeks have been a baptism of fire as society adjusts to the new normal of lockdown, social distancing and social isolation. It is particularly worrying for our community in terms of accessing online shopping and… Read more

The week the world changed…
Friday 27 March 2020Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s been the week that the world changed… The C-word is most definitely on our shores and for us as a family have been hunkering down in the house. There’s nothing like a pandemic to put your life and the way you live… Read more

Why I am saddened with the Dwarf community’s reaction to the Quaden Bayles video
Tuesday 25 February 2020When the video of Quaden Bayles, showing him in distress and wanting to kill himself because of the bullying he has been experiencing at school went viral, I don’t think anyone could have anticipated the number of reactions the video created. There was the reaction that he and his mum… Read more

Listening to this week 17/02/2020
Wednesday 19 February 2020It’s half-term for us and it feels like we’ve packed a load of fun things in already. We’ve been to Tynemouth Aquarium, St Mary’s Lighthouse, Roker beach, Pizza Hut and trying out the local community swimming pool – thankfully not all in the same day! The week has also been… Read more

Listening to this week 10/02/20
Wednesday 12 February 2020Winter blues are rather stifling and it’s far too easy to stay in your own head as we do indoors. While I love the crispness of the cold, hibernating does not make for a productive person. There are certain times of the year when we need to rest and recuperate,… Read more

UNION – Wortley Hall – Finishing With A Flourish
Friday 24 January 2020Last year, at the beginning of 2019, a group of emerging artists and creative activists gathered at ChapelFM – Arts Centre for East Leeds. The first cohort arrived for the beginning of a new, year-long, course called UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism. The same weekend, 52… Read more

CANCELLED! Dwarfism: What Next? Podcasting Workshop – Sunderland
Tuesday 14 January 2020It is with sadness, given the current circumstances, that I have decided to cancel the online workshop. Once, as a society, we know where we are after this dreadful virus, we can look at arranging another date and time. Thanks to everyone who has supported the promotion, organising and funding… Read more

Happy New Year from Hello Little Lady
Tuesday 31 December 2019Wow! It’s the end of the 2010s! I’m not sure it’s a decade that people will forget lightly. There has been much upheaval all around the world. Personally, I feel like I’ve only had a chance to catch my breath in the last month or so to really take in… Read more

Hello Little Lady – A Year in Review 2019
Sunday 22 December 2019It’s time to reflect on Hello Little Lady’s – A Year in Review 2019. The past 12 months have been a whirlwind of activity and experiences. Thankfully there has been more happy experiences than sad. Working by and for myself is a lonely, isolating slog at times. It feels like… Read more

When just getting on with it just isn’t enough
Thursday 28 November 2019Over the years, and what informs most of my work is the silencing of the Dwarfism experience. Incidents happen and more often than not, an average-height, non-disabled person, whether that be friends, family and well-meaning acquaintances, will tell you to just get on with it. It’s all meant well, that… Read more

What’s Your Story – The Podcast
Thursday 31 October 2019What’s Your Story is a podcasting workshop recorded at ChapelFM Arts Centre, in Leeds on 19th October 2019. The workshop, which coincided with Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, was a chance for me to develop as a participatory practitioner, and for fellow members of the Dwarf community to gain the skills… Read more

You’re Just Little – Toilets
Saturday 12 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH Ah, the humble public toilet. That… Read more

You’re Just Little – Food Shopping
Friday 11 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH My hubby had been trying to… Read more

You’re Just Little – Cooking
Thursday 10 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH A kind friend let me borrow… Read more

You’re Just Little – Door Handles
Wednesday 9 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH Flipping heck, if I received a £1 for… Read more

You’re Just Little – Public Transport
Tuesday 8 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH In this photograph, you can see… Read more

You’re Just Little – Clothes Shopping
Monday 7 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH I was in the middle of… Read more

You’re Just Little – Door Locks aka Door Hooks
Sunday 6 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. THE STORY BEHIND THE PHOTOGRAPH The photograph shows my coat hanging… Read more

You’re Just Little – The Photograph That Started The Exhibition
Saturday 5 October 2019To celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month 2019, I’m sharing some of the photographs from the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which debuted in 2018. The exhibition shows the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. The story behind the photograph This picture in this post was… Read more

You’re Just Little – One Year On Reflections
Friday 4 October 2019A year ago to the date, 4th October 2018, the You’re Just Little exhibition launched at Spectrum Cultural Hub with nearly 30 people, including my local MP, in attendance. The photographic exhibition sought to reveal the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that people, like me, with Dwarfism, face on… Read more

You’re Just Little – Episode 004 – Narrative
Friday 4 October 2019In the fourth episode of the You’re Just Little exhibition podcast, Steph talks to the participant, Dr Erin Pritchard, who contributed a number of photographs from her perspective to the original exhibition. Erin reflects on what the representation of each of the photographs means to her. She talks about the… Read more

Introducing ChapelFM Arts Centre in Leeds
Wednesday 2 October 2019On 19th October 2019, the first of the fully-funded workshops for the Dwarfism will take place at ChapelFM Arts Centre in Leeds. The What’s Your Story Podcasting workshop aims to allow Dwarf people to develop their confidence in telling our stories and narratives. In the video above, Steph Robson,… Read more

How I became interested in podcasting
Monday 23 September 2019In October 2019, I’ll be hosting the first podcasting workshop for the Dwarf community. You may be wondering why I chose this particular medium? So I thought I would write a quick post about how I became interested in podcasting. Podcasting Is the Perfect Medium To share Voices Podcasting has… Read more

You’re Just Little – Participant Photographs
Wednesday 18 September 2019This time last year I put a call out on social media asking people from the Dwarf community to participate in the You’re Just Little exhibition. It’s very rare, if it happens at all, that we get to see our perspective of the world and society reflected back at us. … Read more

Announcement: Sunderland Creative Development Fellowship
Wednesday 18 September 2019You know when you have those moments when you talk yourself in and out of applying for something that you know will make a difference in your life? Well, this was one of those moments when the Sunderland Culture Creative Development Bursary fellowship was announced and I decided to apply… Read more

UNION – North East – Arts and Activism in the North – What Now?
Thursday 12 September 2019I’d been very much looking forward to this weekend and did some a major baking on the Friday to make cakes and treats for the sessions to share for the get-together that night, and for the Saturday. It was another fantastic weekend. You may have read about how I was… Read more

Little People UK 8th Annual Convention – Nottingham
Thursday 12 September 2019This year’s annual Little People UK weekend took place at the Nottingham Belfry Hotel from Friday 23rd to 25th August. It was a jam-packed weekend from the moment we stepped into the hotel to when we made our exit on Sunday. Friday evening saw the Quizingo – a mix of… Read more

Podcasting Workshop – Leeds – October 2019
Tuesday 3 September 2019Are you fed up of how our bodies are portrayed in arts, culture and media? Would you like the opportunity to tell your story, and learn about podcasting, in a safe space, in a workshop specifically for the Dwarf community? To coincide with Dwarfism Awareness month 2019, Steph is running… Read more

UNION – Manchester – Working from Within
Monday 5 August 2019As we British love to say, time is flying and I couldn’t believe how quickly my next trip had come around. I was excited to be meeting up with the UNION19 cohort for our third get-together as part of the Northern School of Creativity and Activism. This time the weekend… Read more

You’re Just Little – Episode 003 – Identity
Wednesday 5 June 2019The You’re Just Little photographic exhibition reveals the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. Episode Three talks about identity and the difficulties and obstacles, that dwarf people face in order to be recognised and respected as adults. Sharing my own experiences of being… Read more

You’re Just Little – Episode 002 – Independence
Wednesday 5 June 2019The You’re Just Little photographic exhibition reveals the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. Episode Two talks about independence and the difficulties and obstacles, financially, as well as physical, that dwarf people face in order to move around society safely. JOIN IN THE… Read more

You’re Just Little – Episode 001 – Accessibility
Wednesday 5 June 2019The You’re Just Little photographic exhibition reveals the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. Episode one talks about accessibility and the daily difficulties dwarf people face moving around the environment, including public spaces. Join in the conversation To talk about the exhibition… Read more

You’re Just Little – Episode 000 – Anger
Tuesday 28 May 2019The You’re Just Little photographic exhibition reveals the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that Dwarf people face on a daily basis. This initial podcast talks about how anger influenced the creation of the artwork, setting the scene for the rest of the series. Join in the conversation To talk about… Read more

UNION – Hull – Creating Connections: The Artivist as Go-Between
Tuesday 14 May 2019Saturday The Northern School for Creativity and Activism held its second residential weekend in Hull at the beginning of April 2019. The weekend was kindly hosted by ArtLink – an arts centre located in the west area of Hull. The main theme of the weekend was about Creating Connections: The… Read more

Let’s Discuss Disability exhibition at the Thought Foundation
Thursday 2 May 2019Let’s Discuss Disability is a group exhibition of artists who explore their own disability through creative practice. Thought Foundation selected these local and regional creatives to connect to and challenge our audience. With photography, spoken word, sculpture and “invalid carriages” on display, Let’s Discuss Disability creates a personal and historical… Read more
Mid-Month Rumination on Dwarfism
Wednesday 13 March 2019Ruminating has been the name of the game for the beginning half of the week. I’ve been feeling out of sorts again and pondering why. There was an anniversary of the passing of my Nanna last week and a difficult test at the hospital which confirmed my tingly fingers, but… Read more
Hello, I’m Steph and I’m Scanner and Multipotentialite
Friday 8 March 2019If you’ve not heard of the two terms ‘Scanner’, ‘Multipotentialite’ before they describe a person who pursues many interests and creative pursuits. Or as the term ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ which is bandied about when someone doesn’t appear to stick to one particular job or interest. Personally,… Read more
UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism – A Personal Perspective
Friday 8 March 2019This post has been in the draft section for over a month, but I still wanted to publish it. Over the years I’ve had loads of support for the various activities I’ve undertaken and the weekend in Leeds was no different. It’s nerve-wracking going to new places and walking into… Read more
Dwarfism Documentary – Participant Request
Tuesday 5 February 2019Documentary filmmaker, Mamaponya Motsai has contacted me to ask if I’ll share this request. Mamaponya is looking for people with dwarfism to share what is like living with this disability. Details are below. I’m a film student at UCL and we have been tasked to do a film about an issue we… Read more

UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism – Leeds
Tuesday 29 January 2019Over the weekend of 11-12th January 2019, 20 creatives, artists and activists from the North of England met at a converted chapel for the commencement of UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism. UNION is a sector-based coaching programme for emerging community artists and social activists across the North… Read more
Happy New Year 2019
Tuesday 1 January 2019Wishing you all the best for 2019 and beyond. Thanks for all the support in 2018 and here’s to a fantastic year ahead in this crazy world we live in. Steph x Read more

Hello Little Lady – A Year in Review 2018
Sunday 30 December 2018There’s a plethora of the best of 2018 coming through the Facebook feed and I thought it only right honour the blog and write about the achievements of the year. I was also talking to acquaintances when one commented that I had had a great year and stopping to think… Read more

You’re Just Little – The Powerful Impact of the Participants’ Photographs
Tuesday 6 November 2018You’re Just Little is a photographic exhibition that revealed the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions people with Dwarfism face on a daily basis and ran between 4th – 14th October 2018 at Spectrum Cultural Hub. How participation started The initial proposal for the exhibition was to show my photography and… Read more
You’re Just Little – Exhibition Tour
Monday 29 October 2018The video is a silent tour around the You’re Just Little exhibition at Spectrum Cultural Hub from October 2018. It starts by looking at the promotional postcard with the exhibition’s details on, moving around the corner to take a look at the participant’s photos. Continuing onto the wall description about… Read more

Documentary Call-Out: Firecracker Films and Stacey Dooley
Wednesday 24 October 2018Press Release TV production company Firecracker Films are producing a new documentary and I’d be really interested to speak with any dwarf households that are interested in finding out more… In this immersive six-part documentary series Award-winning journalist and documentary maker Stacey Dooley will explore a cross-section of society by… Read more

You’re Just Little – Arty Parti
Monday 8 October 2018What a great way to start Dwarfism Awareness Month! On Monday 1st October, I joined presenter, Jay Sykes, and Kathryn Barnett, Spectrum Cultral Hub’s Studio Director, to chat about the ‘You’re Just Little’ photographic exhibition on Arty Parti, Spark FM’s participatory arts programme. We talked about what has influenced the… Read more

Disabled Artists – Applications for funding from UnLimited now open
Thursday 20 September 2018Unlimited funds artists to create exceptional artworks – and we really want to reach out as many people as possible who might be interested in applying. Please share this opportunity widely with your networks using #UnlimitedCommissions. The next round of applications is now open for disabled artists and companies… Read more

Your Chance to Participate in the You’re Just Little exhibition
Sunday 16 September 2018One of the aspects that is incredibly important to me as part of the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition is having a participatory element. My world of dwarfism is not unique to just me, there are many of us out there seeing and interacting with the world and I’d love to share… Read more

Little People UK 7th Annual Convention
Sunday 9 September 2018Over the summer tweets about the 7th annual convention for Little People UK (LPUK) started to come through my Twitter feed. I was incredibly impressed with the line-up of activities and workshops that were booked for the weekend, wishing that I could attend. Sammy Davis, the chairperson of LPUK, reached… Read more

You’re Just Little – A Photographic Exhibition
Wednesday 5 September 2018I am absolutely delighted (and slightly terrified) to announce the launch of my latest project “You’re Just Little”. It’s a photographic exhibition taking place during Dwarfism Awareness Month at Spectrum Cultural Hub, in County Durham. The exhibition seeks to reveal the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that people with Dwarfism… Read more
Love fashion? Check out the #mysilhouettematterstoo Day
Thursday 16 August 2018Mary Russell, of Dwarfism Beautiful, is looking for participants for her fantastic new campaign #mysilhouettematterstoo. Mary says, “#mysilhouettematterstoo Day is just a group of women with short stature spreading awareness about not having easy access to the fashion market like our counterparts (average height). Contrary to how we maybe perceived… Read more

Dwarfism and the Blue Badge Scheme
Wednesday 8 August 2018In the UK we have a scheme that provides those with mobility difficulties accessible and on-street parking. These parking bays are usually wider than average parking spaces, and generally located nearest to a particular building or area of town or city. To quote the gov.uk website… “The aim of the… Read more

39 Lessons Learnt
Thursday 26 July 2018Sometimes, ok, a lot of the time I don’t feel qualified to impart life advice. That I haven’t experienced enough to write down words of wisdom to pass on. I turned 39 in July. One year from the big 4-0. The last year of what has been a very challenging… Read more

Hello Little Lady Shortlisted for Blog Award
Friday 20 July 2018Erm, well, it was quite nice to find out a month or so ago that this lovely little blog of mine has been shortlisted in the ‘Chronic Illness and Disability’ category for the Northern Blog Awards. I think I accidentally nominated myself..!? Apparently, nominations occur through someone who has nominated… Read more

Can I Ask You A Few Questions? Dwarfism, Art Spaces and Representation
Thursday 19 July 2018Fellow people with dwarfism – I need your help! In October I’ll be showcasing the photographic exhibition, ‘You’re Just Little‘. The aim of the “You’re Just Little” exhibition is to reveal the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions that being a dwarf does not impact on how we engage with… Read more

Little Lady News – July 2018
Monday 16 July 2018Hello, I keep meaning to blog more regularly, best intentions and all that. I have, however, been working on some rather exciting projects and received quite good news. Blog Shortlisted at the Northern Blog Awards 2018Last month I found out that a Hello Little Lady was shortlisted in the ‘Chronic… Read more

13 Must-Follow People With Dwarfism in 2018
Thursday 31 May 2018The Dwarf community is full of amazing, talented people. I have connected with some amazing people since I’ve picked up the metaphorical pen again. This has been especially so through Twitter and mostly has influenced the list of people I’d recommend you follow below. As a child, I never… Read more

5 Self-Care Tips For People With Dwarfism
Thursday 29 March 2018This blog post has been about two months in the making. I’ve put it down, been a bit on the scared side to make it public. A few weeks ago there was mention of self-care on a Twitter chat. This made my mind up to put this out there. Self-care… Read more
The ‘joys’ of buying car insurance as a disabled driver
Thursday 8 February 2018It’s been that ‘delightful’ time of year to renew my car insurance. My current insurer had sent me a renewal that put my quote up over a £100 than what I paid last year. I felt a bit hopeful that access to different insurance brokers may have widened since before… Read more
Statement and Intentions for Hello Little Lady in 2018
Monday 4 December 2017The motivation behind Hello Little Lady has always been to provide a platform and give a voice of the day-to-day experiences of living with dwarfism. Over the 9 years this has primarily been achieved through my own writing. However a number of years now I have held creative ideas to… Read more
Reflecting on times gone past
Monday 30 October 2017It’s been a bit of an emotional day. I’ve had my first appointment at the hospital I used to visit as a child and teenager to keep an eye on my growth. The building has completely changed, but the walk up to the hospital brought back a lot of memories. … Read more
PIP Reflections and the Snap General Election
Sunday 28 May 2017It’s been nearly 4 months since I received my new reward in the transition from DLA to PIP. It has given me much time to reflect, even though we now find ourselves in a midst of a snap general election with the Tories in course to win by a significant… Read more
TV Request
Thursday 23 February 2017TV Request from Optomen Television Production company below. Employable Me is back and looking for people with disabilities or conditions who would like help to find a job! The casting period is coming to a close in 2 weeks so would love to chat with anyone that is potentially… Read more
DLA to PIP – a Dwarf’s perspective
Thursday 16 February 2017About a month ago I received the decision from the DWP regarding my PIP award. I had received an indefinite award for the higher rate mobility over 10 years ago, but due to the changes in this particular benefit and the Government’s insistence that everyone, regardless of how long someone was… Read more
It’s Dwarfism Awareness Month 2016
Friday 7 October 2016How apt that I’ve decided to resurrect this blog through dwarfism awareness month. Did you know there are over 200 forms of dwarfism in the world? That dwarfism can be categorised into two broad types – proportionate and disproportionate. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism. You’ll read many… Read more
Wow, has it really been over a year?
Tuesday 29 December 2015…since I’ve written a blog post here! 2015 has not been a dwarf year for me, or maybe it has and I’ve not had the energy to write about the experiences I’ve had. It’s been a strange year. Challenging on many levels, rewarding too. Realised my own strength, started to… Read more
The Annoying Thing About Being A Dwarf #455
Monday 20 October 2014Ok, there are many things that are annoying about being a dwarf. The stares and comments and downright rudeness. That item you need in the shop is guaranteed to be on the top blooming shelf. For me though, one of more annoying things about my smallness, is the incompatibility of… Read more
What Is Dwarfism To Me?
Thursday 16 October 2014It’s dwarfism awareness month this October. I love the idea of helping your average person known a bit about what it is like living life from a physically different viewpoint. But, I wonder, what does dwarfism mean to us? The people with the conditions, the syndromes? How do we view… Read more
The Flip Side Of Other People – The Too Helpful
Wednesday 15 October 2014All it feels like some days is that I get stared at, seeing people nudged each other and point not so subtlety at me as I walk past, or overlooked in the queue for the person behind me – again. But then there is the flip side. The too helpful… Read more
Baby Born With Double Dwarfism In The UK
Tuesday 14 October 2014Baby, Nathan Phillips, was born with two types of dwarfism inherited from both parents. I remember reading about Nathan in the paper and thinking what’s this double dwarfism about and being pretty amazed by the story. I’ve never heard of this being possible! You might remember Nathan’s Mum, Laura from… Read more
Video: A Day In The Life Of Jon Novick
Monday 13 October 2014I *heart* this video. Very eloquent. Read more
Socially Awkward Dwarf Moment #995
Wednesday 8 October 2014He! There are times when being little does give you a good giggle. Me, the hubby, the in-laws along with LO were dining out at the local cavery. Now for anyone who doesn’t know what a carvery is, it’s where one can get a full English Sunday roast literally every… Read more
Review: ITV Tonight Programme: Against The Odds
Tuesday 7 October 2014I always hold my breath when it comes to ITV’s handling of disability as programming usually sets my teeth on edge due to the narrative usually adopted. So, after watching my daily fix of Emmerdale, and I saw the programme’s title was ‘Against The Odds’. Wow, I thought, maybe this… Read more
Dwarfism Awareness Month – Positive Posters
Sunday 5 October 2014Hello there dear readers, how’s your Dwarfism Awareness month going so far? I found these posters created by Samantha of Samantha Designs to help celebrate the campaign! Aren’t they great! Read more
Dwarfism Awareness Month October 2014
Saturday 4 October 2014Photo from LPA website – http://www.lpaonline.org/dwarfism-awareness-ambassador-program October is Dwarfism Awareness Month this October. Started in 2009 by the Little People of America (LPA) to help raise awareness of the medical and social issues surrounding restricted growth. You can find out more about the campaign at the website of the LPA… Read more
Little Lady Update
Friday 3 October 2014Hello there readers, I hope you’re still popping by once in a while to see if this here blog is still ticking away. I must apologise for a lack of posting, time does a fly by these with a young toddler in tow. So, how are you all? How’s life… Read more
I’ll Go And Get Midget Legs
Tuesday 17 June 2014Walking in the park with my dear child I passed a couple of women. They clocked me out of the corner of their eyes, smirked at each other, then as we were walking past – one said to the other… “I’ll go and get midget legs”, referring to one of… Read more
Exhausted With Toddler
Friday 13 June 2014Oh man, just when I think I’m in a roll again, it feels like life conspires to make you realise you’re not. The Beau has been working loads lately, meaning I’ve been doing the majority of the child care. It’s great, don’t get me wrong and I’ve come to a… Read more
One Of Us Will Die – A Stand Up Rom-Com
Wednesday 21 May 2014The fabulous Kiruna Stamell and her husband have been on tour with their stand-up rom-com ‘One of Us Will Die’. You can find out more about their production on their website » Would love to see this show at some point – please come to the North! Read more
That Must Come In Handy – Wink Wink
Tuesday 20 May 2014… I froze. Me: “Sorry, what did you say…” very cooliy, with one eyebrow raised in the “you really didn’t just say what I think you said did you?” manner. Fella: “erm, oh, erm… for reaching lower shelves…” Me: “… if you’ll excuse me…” Well, that was a first. I… Read more
Little People UK Aim To Educate People About The ‘M’ Word
Monday 19 May 2014Next October will once again be Dwarfism Awareness Month. I kind of missed it last year, but thought it was an amazing idea to help raise awareness of people living with restricted growth. In the run-up to October, Little People, UK, is charity for people with dwarfism in the UK,… Read more
A Spurt Of Comments
Sunday 18 May 2014Really, fellow people of restricted growth, what’s it like? You can go say a few days, maybe a week or (if you’re lucky) a month or two without getting any sort of unwanted or unwarranted attention… and then – bam! They are like buses, they’ll all come at once. The… Read more
Sad News – RIP The Wonderful Bev Burkitt
Saturday 17 May 2014I’m late in acknowledging this – but late last year I heard the horrible and shocked by the news that the wonderful Bev Burkitt had passed away. I send many heartfelt condolences to her daughter, Jasmine and her family. Bev was a lovely lady. I had and still do hold… Read more
Where Has The Last 18 Months Gone?
Friday 16 May 2014…in a daze of nappies, weaning and all things baby and toddler. This last year and half has passed in such a blur. I’d like to say it was a happy blur, but alas it’s been quite the roller-coaster ride. On the one hand, I’ve been seeing Little One grow… Read more
Self-imposed Hiatus
Sunday 29 December 2013Well, it’s been a truly tough old year. Hello Little Lady will be making a comeback in 2014 with more rants about the perceived injustices of everyday life as a dwarf. Have heard some horrible news today in the dwarf community, which has shocked me to the core and saddened… Read more
This Made Me Laugh
Monday 11 February 2013Check out Kiruna Stamell and Gareth Berliner’s Dave’s Leicester #ComedyShorts video » Given me a bit of a giggle this Monday morning 🙂 Read more
Congratulations Ellie Simmonds
Friday 8 February 2013…on your fantastic multiple medal wins in the London 2012 Paralympics! Fantastic 🙂 I was cheering this wonderful, inspiring lady on whilst up to my ears in dirty nappies and giving my baby cuddles. What a feel good, special year 2012 was for so many people! Check out Ellie’s official… Read more
Will I Have To Give Up Work?
Thursday 7 February 2013…no not because I’ve had a baby, but because I might lose my DLA, thus my Motability car and access to getting to work. The criteria is apparently getting more stringent so the government can cut this particular benefit bill. It scares me. Not only will it mean I won’t… Read more
Congratulations Kiruna
Wednesday 6 February 2013…who got married last year to her hubby, Gareth Berliner! Bit late, but all the best guys! See Kiruna’s official website » Read more
War on Welfare and other petitions
Tuesday 5 February 2013I haven’t had my head completely in the sand this last few months and I’ve been increasingly despairing at the looming changes to Disability Living Allowance into Personal Independence Payments. Thankfully the disgraceful treatment of disabled people at the hand of ATOS and their Work Capability Assessments are finally beginning… Read more
I Had A Baby
Monday 4 February 2013The main reason that I haven’t blogged in such a long time is due to the fact I had a baby, oh and me and the beau decided to move house too. Let’s just say we packed a lot in and it’s only the month that I’ve finally begun to… Read more
Happy New Year!
Sunday 3 February 2013….er hello, do you remember me? I used blog around here! I can’t believe it was May 2012 that I last published a post. It’s been one hell of 9 months! Let me fill you in on it over the next few weeks. So how are you? Read more
Small Teen Turns Eighteen – Review
Monday 7 May 2012[ Before people start commenting – please be aware that I am neither Jasmine or Bev Burkitt. Their official website can be found over here ] I’ve taken straight to the computer after watching the next instalment of Jasmine Burkitt in Small Teen Turns Eighteen on BBC Three. The difficulties… Read more
BBC Three – Small Teen Turns Eighteen
Thursday 3 May 2012Ooooh exciting news ladies and gentlemen, book some time in front of your TV this coming Monday 7th May as Jasmine and her Mum, Bev, return to our screens with ‘Small Teen Turns Eighteen’ on BBC Three at 9.00pm. The documentary follows Jazz planning that all important 18th birthday party… Read more
Now You’re Pregnant You Won’t Need To Get Your Trousers Shortened – Right?
Wednesday 18 April 2012‘…er no’ was my reply to a colleague. I have a metaphorical head smacks the desk moment. Moving the conversation on (with raised eyebrows)…. Read more
Florida Dwarf Tossing Legislation – Update
Tuesday 17 April 2012Looks like common-sense has prevailed and the legislation has been revoked. Yippie-do! One for the greater good. Here’s the Little People of America’s statement on the matter (on Facebook). Such legislation protects and goes to offer dwarves, like myself, protection from the idiots who use our disability for their own… Read more
Goodness – How Did This Conversation Make It Onto TV?
Wednesday 14 March 2012I’ve been so mad about the chat between Rosie O’Donnell and Chelsea Handler (who?) that I’ve had to take a while to think of a response… it’s still making my blood boil. Well, how to go about reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices surrounding people with dwarfism in one conversation hey?! …… Read more
The Guardian – Let’s Talk About Disability Series
Monday 12 March 2012Talking About Disability The wonderful and frank ‘Talking about disability’ series on The Guardian website. Disability campaigner Nicola Clark chats with Warwick Davis, Baroness Tanni Gray-Thompson and Sally Bercow about their experiences of disability. From the dwarf perspective, I love Warwick’s recounting his P.E. frustrations at school, something I gladly… Read more
If You Read One Blog This Month – Check Out Kiruna Stamell’s
Friday 10 February 2012For all fans of Kiruna Stamell, check out her self-entitled blog/official website. I first saw Kiruna in Graeae Theatre Company’s production of ‘Whiter Than Snow‘ as it toured the country a few years ago. Kiruna is an actress who originates from Australia and has worked extensively in theatre, is known… Read more
Life’s Too Short – A Social Reflection Of The Dwarf Community And Representation In The Media
Wednesday 8 February 2012Goodness where has the time gone and it’s February already! I know I’m a little late in the write-up for the remaining Life’s Too Short episodes, but the series has provided me with some food for thought since finishing. Generally speaking it’s seems the sitcom limped to the end and… Read more
Little Lady Update
Monday 6 February 2012For those regular readers who’ve been wondering if I’ve dropped off the edge of the world, fear not, there’s been some rather exciting news in Little Lady’s world and life has thrown somewhat of a curve-ball. A major part of my particular dwarfism is a lack of stamina and an… Read more
Happy Holidays!
Sunday 25 December 2011I would like to wish all my readers and supporters over the last year or so of Hello Little Lady blog a very Happy Festive season! I hope you all have a wonderful time and wish you all the best for 2012. Keep reading! Little Lady x Read more
Life’s Too Short – More Reviews Soon
Thursday 8 December 2011Sorry ladies and gents, it’s been a hectic couple of weeks in Little Lady Towers with one thing and another, so I’ll be catching up with last week’s episode and this week’s too on the BBC iPlayer and then reviewing. Hope you are all well and looking forward to Christmas. … Read more
Car Engines Don’t Need To Be Small For Small People, Right?
Monday 5 December 2011LL: “Pardon me? (Eh! in my brain – did I just hear that right?)” “Well, your car only needs adaptations to help you drive the car, it doesn’t need, like a smaller engine though does it?” a work colleague (WC) asked me the other day. LL: “…Er, no, they don’t… Read more
Life’s Too Short – Episode 4 Reminder
Wednesday 30 November 2011Ladies and Gents don’t forget to watch the next episode of Life’s Too Short tomorrow night on BBC 2 at 9.30pm. Here’s the link in case you miss it and want to watch it on the iPlayer after it has broadcast. [ad#HLL Link Only] Read more
Please Blow Away You Gales
Wednesday 30 November 2011So the upper part of the great British Isles have been battered by rain and gales over the last few days and don’t I know about it! Regular readers of HLL will know of my intense, intense hatred of high winds/gales. This weekend’s blustery times left me literally housebound and… Read more
Guardian Article: Would dwarfism stop me becoming the best mum I could be?
Thursday 24 November 2011I found this inspiring article written by Michelle Harris on the Guardian website today and wanted to share it with you dear readers. Wonderfully written, it tells the journey of Michelle and early motherhood. Being a woman, I could completely identify with her worries, concerns and fears about bearing a… Read more
TV Review: Life’s Too Short – Episode 3
Thursday 24 November 2011Oh-oh I thought when we opened with a scene with dwarf-tossing, but alas the most excruciating and embarrassing moments where left for the main character Warwick. Once again we were treat to Warwick’s lack of social and self-awareness, this time, not just to life in general, but also within his… Read more
TV Review: Short Work on BBC
Thursday 24 November 2011This documentary presents the difficulties that people with dwarfism have in the media and entertainment industry. Many of you who have read this blog, know that I would love to see people with restricted growth to be represented more fairly on screen, in comedy and in film. It follows Rachel… Read more
TV Review: Life’s Too Short – Episode 2
Thursday 24 November 2011…oops! Have fallen behind on the reviewing of this series, but more of why later. I caught up with the second episode of ‘Life’s Too Short’ on BBC 2 with the Wednesday repeat with the full intention of finding the show not funny. While I could rile at why on… Read more
Warwick Blogs About Life’s Too Short
Wednesday 16 November 2011While most of us in the dwarf community probably have an opinion on Life’s Too Short – it’s refreshing to hear Warwick Davis’ and his experience of filming the show. Read Warwick Davis’ blog article here » [ad#HLL Link Only] Read more
BBC Magazine Article – The Dwarf Actor Dilemma
Tuesday 15 November 2011Damon Rose has written this excellent article about dwarfism and acting and thoroughly recommend that you read it. I have often thought and felt down that the majority of roles available to people with restricted growth tend to be of the fantasy kind or that we are used for entertainment… Read more
TV Review: Life’s Too Short – Episode 1
Monday 14 November 2011So, the nation was finally exposed to the first episode of Gervais’ – Life’s Too Short on BBC2. One of the things that appears to shine through is the focus on the central characters personality, which having read other reviews around t’internet, agree that some of the situations would have… Read more
I Need The Paediatric Version Of That
Tuesday 8 November 2011I love the NHS, to the bottom of my heart and am incredibly worried by the current legislation and what seems the march of privatisation into our health system. I feel proud to have been looked after and continue to be so by some of the most caring, knowledgeable people… Read more
Florida Representative Wants To Repeal Dwarf Tossing Legislation – WTF?
Monday 7 November 2011I’ve held off talking about this subject for quite sometime, mainly because it’s to do with those good folks on the other side of the pond, but I’m astonished that a person in government would even propose the repealing legislation that protects us people of short stature from being used… Read more
The Making of… Life’s Too Short Review
Saturday 5 November 2011I really, really wanted to hate this programme and there were a few toe-curling moments. But not because it was a gag about a dwarf or poking fun at a dwarf. What really comes through is the strength of (or more like the lack of) character played by Warwick Davis. … Read more
Ricky Gervais: ‘Bring on the haters’ on The Guardian website
Saturday 5 November 2011In an interview on The Guardian website, the comedian Ricky Gervais wonders why people are worried that his new comedy ‘Life’s Too Short’ will be a “cruel comedy” and “…that people confuse the subject of the joke with the target of the joke…”. Well Mr Gervais, when you have been… Read more
Life’s Too Short – The Making Of
Thursday 3 November 2011Warwick Davis’ new comedy series with Ricky Gervais is due to start soon – I’ve caught the trailer on BBC 1 on a number of occasions over the last week or so. The Making of the Series is due to air on BBC 2 this Saturday (5th November) at 10.15pm… Read more
Challenging Your Disability Living Allowance Decision
Wednesday 2 November 2011I’ve received a few emails in recent weeks regarding people with restricted growth having their awards removed and if I had any tips for making an appeal. Thankfully, I haven’t been through the horrible process for a number of years, though in scarily similar circumstances, as it was the time… Read more
3 Tips For Buying Petrol As A Person With Restricted Growth
Monday 10 October 2011I’ve blogged about this before, but I am always apprehensive when I go to the petrol station to fill up the car. On more than one occasion I have been either stopped or had an issue with pressing the pump. Thankfully it doesn’t happen so often these days, but if… Read more
Performer Refers To Her Child As Midget
Monday 10 October 2011I’m a bit late on picking this one up and I don’t want to get into the racism row regarding Kelis at the airport. I was, however, mystified (and somewhat alarmed as to) why the performer would use the the offensive word ‘midget’ (the equivalent of the ‘N’ word… Read more
I’m Flirting With Google Ads…
Saturday 8 October 2011Hello lovely readers, you might notice a change or two around here. I’ve installed a Google Ads banner in some of the more popular posts on a 3-month trial basis. This is mainly to try and cover the running costs of this blog… anything else is a bonus. While I… Read more
Programme Review: Channel 4 – Seven Dwarves – 20th September 11
Tuesday 20 September 2011Tonight it was Craig’s turn to have the camera turned on his story in tonight’s episode of Channel 4’s Seven Dwarves (#sevendwarves). An equally humorous and dark episode which highlights we all discriminate against something in life whether you are short, tall or fat. Craig’s depiction of this had me… Read more
Programme Review: Channel 4 – Seven Dwarves – 13th September 11
Tuesday 13 September 2011Ok, so I haven’t been a great fan of the title of Channel 4’s Seven Dwarves, however tonight’s episode has been exceptionally good. This week following, Laura Whitfield from Sunderland and her poignant story of having lost her mum and her problems growing up and the obstacles that she’s overcome… Read more
Up, Up and Away…
Monday 12 September 2011…and quite nearly literally. Hello lovelies, I’m back from my holidays and flew back into Blighty on the tail end of hurricane Katia. Scary. Anyone who knows me, knows that I hate wind and not just the smelly kind. The windows are rattling away in our house tonight and I’m… Read more
Little Lady Is Going On Holiday
Wednesday 31 August 2011Why hello there dear readers, it’s been a mad year so far with various things that I have been going on in my life (all good) and now it is time for me to take a metaphorical and actual break. I’ve got my clothes nearly packed, am going to go… Read more
Channel 4’s Seven Dwarves
Wednesday 31 August 2011I’m afraid the majority of this series has passed me by as I’ve had other things to deal with over the last few weeks, but I managed to catch the first episode of Channel 4’s Seven Dwarves, which was apparently made by the same people who made My Gypsy Wedding.… Read more
NOTICE: Small Teen, Bigger World
Thursday 4 August 2011I’ve loved watching Small Teen, Bigger World as much as the people who have been commenting on this blog, but I’m sorry to disappoint but I am neither of these wonderful ladies. If you would like to find out more about their show, head on over to their official website… Read more
Programme Review: Small Teen, Bigger World
Tuesday 2 August 2011Over the last month, I’ve laughed, cried and at times felt uncomfortable as Jasmine and her Mum, Bev have allowed us a glimpse into their world. Bev provides a wonderful lightness to the somewhat heavy subjects handled throughout the documentary series. Remembered my own shock of failing my first driving… Read more
I’m Not Jasmine Or Bev Burkitt!
Tuesday 2 August 2011Wow! Lots of comments and emails over the last 24 hours with the end of the airing of Small Teen, Bigger World on BBC 3 last night. While it is heartening to see so many people passionate and inspired by the programme, I would like to clarify once again I’m… Read more
Small Teen, Bigger World – Some Clarification – Please Read
Friday 29 July 2011There has been some wonderful comments on Hello Little Lady regarding the lovely Jasmine and Bev Burkitt because of their show, Small Teen, Bigger World airing on BBC 3 over the last few weeks. I would like to clarify that I am neither Jazz nor Bev Burkitt. I’m another lady… Read more
Small Teen Bigger World – Official Website
Thursday 21 July 2011Small Teen Bigger World now has an official website where you can leave your own comments about the show for Jazz and her Mum, Bev. You can find it over here at: www.smallteenbiggerworld.co.uk » Read more
BBC Ouch! Podcast with Jasmine and Bev Burkitt
Saturday 16 July 2011Ladies and Gents the wonderful Jasmine and Bev Burkitt can be heard interviewed by Mat Fraser and Liz Carr on the Ouch Podcast, the disability talk show brought to you by the BBC. They talk about their documentary Small Teen, Bigger World, their future plans and their opinion on the… Read more
Small Teen, Bigger World Interview on This Morning
Wednesday 13 July 2011Jasmine and her mum, Bev Burkitt joined Phillip Schofield on the This Morning Show on Monday for a chat about their new documentary ‘Small Teen, Bigger World’ on that aired on BBC3 that evening. Watch the video » (opens new window to the This Morning website) Read more
BBC Three – Small Teen Bigger World
Friday 8 July 2011Jasmine Burkitt’s latest documentaries, Small Teen, Bigger World, starts on BBC Three on Monday 11th July from 9.00pm. The four-part series follows Jazz as she leaves home to start college to find her feet in the world and meet her Dad for the first time. In the meantime, here’s a… Read more
Small Teen, Bigger World on Woman’s Hour
Friday 8 July 2011Jasmine and her mum Bev joined Jenni Murray on this morning’s edition of Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4. They talk about the up and coming documentary that will be aired on BBC Three on Monday, their views on living with the attention that we small-than-average-people receive on a daily… Read more
Dwarves Mocked on Graham Norton Show
Wednesday 29 June 2011< rant > So there I was the other Friday night, merrily laughing along to the general banter on the Graham Norton Show when, within the space of about 10 minutes, one of his guests, Lee Mack made two dwarf jokes. Hrumph! On the BBC no less! What do you… Read more
The Dwarves Are Coming
Tuesday 28 June 2011I subscribe to the wonderful BBC Ouch programme through my Facebook account to keep up to date about when the latest disability news when an article on their blog caught my eye. The season of the dwarf Turns out that there are few programmes that are going to aired in… Read more
How Do I Stop My Son Marrying A Midget?
Tuesday 14 June 2011< rant > Excuse me?!? I’ve been analysing the keywords readers are using to find HelloLittleLady.com. I was aghast at seeing the phrase above. How disgusting, how bigoted, narrow minded can one particular searcher be?!? Not happy with the fact that this person’s son has found love, they are actively… Read more
What Doesn’t Break You Makes You
Monday 13 June 2011Goodness it’s been a while again. What can I say it, it’s been a very eventful 6 months so far and I wish I could I tell you it’s all been positive that’s kept me away from the keyboard. So far it’s been a year with 3 funerals, job interviews… Read more
NHS Choices – Restricted Growth Video
Monday 25 April 2011Was taking a look over at the Restricted Growth Association website and found this informative video about restricted growth by NHS Choices. Dr Will Christian talks about what restricted growth/dwarfism is and provides advice on how to access medical services and how you can help your child. Read more
Early Day Motion 1719 – Public Attitudes Towards People Of Short Stature
Sunday 24 April 2011It’s come to my attention that an Early Day Motion has been drawn up to challenge the unfair attitudes and prejudices that we, people with various forms of dwarfism are subjected to in the media, by some professionals and more so on the street going about our day-to-day lives. To… Read more
Life Got In The Way – Part Deux
Thursday 21 April 2011Oh well, best intentions and all that but again I’ve left HLL looking like a digital graveyard. It’s unintentional believe you me, it’s been a busy few months that haven’t left me much time or energy to write much. So apologises to all of you who have emailed and left… Read more
Life Got In The Way
Monday 7 March 2011Blimey, just looked at my blog here and realised it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Bad Little Lady ha ha. In all seriousness, life has gotten rather busy since the end of January with some rather major events and other major events me and the beau are planning for… Read more
Stop Staring
Monday 31 January 2011I was out for dinner with my family and as I walking back to the table with my food I overheard a girl telling her younger sister to stop staring. Of course I averted my eyes and pretend not to hear with my ears as it was the end of… Read more
Warwick Davis – Size Matters Not Book Review
Wednesday 26 January 2011I’ve mentioned Warwick Davis a number of times on this blog with his interview on Able Radio and his interview in Disability Now and have been anxious to get hold of his autobiography Size Matters Not for some time now. Imagine how glad I was to find a copy of… Read more
Do You Identify As Disabled?
Tuesday 4 January 2011I was having ‘that’ conversation at work the other day. You know the one where a person who is curious or has a particular view of you wants to validate what their attitudes towards disability/restricted growth. It usually starts with ‘I don’t mean this to sound like it does, but… Read more
DLA To Be Changed
Thursday 30 December 2010I’ve stayed clear of this for some time now as it’s a subject that makes me severely depressed. The universal benefit Disability Living Allowance is to be renamed to Personal Independent Payments. All claimants are to be reassessed except those with a terminal illness. This is the point where I… Read more
Holiday Greetings
Tuesday 28 December 2010Hope you are all having a wonderful time over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Here’s to hoping you having a happy and prosperous new 2011. Keep a reading 😉 Read more
You’re Small – Get Over It!
Monday 13 December 2010Hmmm! This one always manages to hit a raw nerve and lets just say that it had the desired effect by the person saying it on making me feel incredibly angry and upset. Did I take the person to task? Hell no, the people around me told me not to… Read more
Katie Price and the Bully Boy Frankie Boyle
Saturday 11 December 2010The ‘comedian’ Frankie Boyle’s been at it again, and I say comedian in the loosest sense of the term, because really, this guy seriously isn’t funny. Not content with picking on kids with Down Syndrome, he’s now picking on a specific disabled kid. Good on Katie Price for sticking up… Read more
Pain Day, Make That Pain Week
Friday 10 December 2010Pfft! I’ve been a right grouch-bag over the last week. Why? I’m in pain. I get aches and pains on a daily basis which oddly move around my body. I think this happens when I rely on one section of my body to compensate for the pain elsewhere, but I… Read more
Dwarf Culture?
Friday 10 December 2010Since watching BBC Question Time that inspired a previous post it got me wondering about the visibility of dwarfism/restricted growth in society. From my own personal perspective, there appears to be little understanding of the day to day lives that we lead, the problems we face and the experiences we… Read more
What A Long Way We Restricted Growth People Have To Go
Friday 26 November 2010< rant > Oh dear, I’ve just watched BBC Question Time and was very saddened by the panels reaction to whereby some of our most senior politicians are using dwarfism to insult each other. Not only am I alarmed at how it is brushed off by one audience member as… Read more
Small Teen Big World Documentary Wins Award
Thursday 25 November 2010Congratulations to Bev and Jasmine Burkitt and the production team for winning the Royal Television Society North West Awards 2010 – Best Single Documentary, for Small Teen, Big World, that was aired on BBC 3 and BBC 1 earlier this year. Watch the fabulous ladies accept their award » (YouTube)… Read more
Donate £5 To The RGA
Tuesday 2 November 2010After listening to the RGA’s chair interview on Able Radio, I would like to ask you guy’s if you would be so generous as to donate £5 to this worthwhile charity? I cannot describe how important the charity is to helping people and their families with restricted growth. Granted, it’s… Read more
The Woe Of Automatic Doors
Monday 1 November 2010So there I am, stood in front of the library doors, waving my arms around like a prat in the wind and the rain, trying to get the damn sensor to pick me up. Funny, when looking back, yes. At the time – not at all… and it’s a recurring… Read more
Restricted Growth On Able Radio
Friday 29 October 2010Able Radio is an internet radio station for people with disabilities or a restricting medical condition. I’ve yet to listen to a live show, however I was thrilled to see a few tags on the site relating to restricted growth! There’s the interview with Warwick which we posted a few… Read more
Half-Term Shopping Hell
Thursday 28 October 2010I made the mistake of going shopping during half-term this week, though I agree this would send the calmest of person into a rage, for me it’s a heart in the mouth moment from entering the store to leaving it. Why? The.Stares. We restricted growth people are used them yes,… Read more
Short Watch: Warwick Davis On Able Radio
Wednesday 27 October 2010Having listened to Warwick’s interview on Able Radio, it’s amazing to listen to what his life story has entailed and how fortunate he has been to be able to make a career as an actor. On to talk about his up and coming comedy show with Ricky Gervais, it was… Read more
Short Watch: Harry Hill TV Burps
Tuesday 26 October 2010Anyone see the actor Kevin O’Leary on Harry Hill TV Burps on Saturday 23rd October 2010 episode? Most of Harry Hill’s sketches are tongue-in-cheek, but this particular sketch didn’t sit too well with me, but then again neither did the one where they had the girl from the service station… Read more
What’s One Of Those?
Monday 25 October 2010This was the answer to my question when asking the local council sports department if they had a hydrotherapy pool. * Groan * …here we go again. Forgive my pessimism, but every time I try to access some form of sports facilities something doesn’t go right and it’s usually because… Read more
From MSN: Cheryl Cole Treats Birthday Boy Simon To A Singing Dwarf
Friday 8 October 2010Having been roaming around the web this evening I found the link below. http://celebrity.uk.msn.com/news/gossip/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=154888199 Is this true?? * Head slumps onto laptop keyboard in exasperation * Why? I get the fact that people with restricted growth should make their money however they wish, however, I can’t help but feel this,… Read more
Petite Size Clothing
Saturday 2 October 2010Continuing on with the clothing theme from yesterday – I found this handy directory called Petite-Size-Clothing.co.uk. Split into handy sections like tops, trousers, skirts and shoes, it lists online shops that are dedicated or include petite sizes. Make sure to check out the ‘We Love…‘ page too for the latest… Read more
Petite Fashion Autumn 2010
Friday 1 October 2010I indulged in some retail therapy today and was pleasantly surprised rather than the usual depressed state it leaves me. Being an odd body shape where you fit somewhere between children’s and petite sizes is rather frustrating on the fashion front. I found this morning, that I could get back… Read more
It’s Like Being Famous, But Without The Money
Thursday 9 September 2010How very true. This was the phrase used by Bev Burkitt when describing what it is like being a person of restricted growth and the attraction that being so garners, though in our case it’s not sort after like a celebrity. I watched the BBC documentary ‘Small Teen, Big World’… Read more
Heads-Up: Small Teen, Big World
Monday 6 September 2010…is going primetime!! The documentary that was initially broadcast on BBC Three and features the life of Jasmine Burkitt and her mum, Bev is being shown on BBC One at 9.00pm. This is great news for the restricted growth community. I’ve already watched it twice and thought it was an… Read more
They’re Filming Midgets
Saturday 28 August 2010Watching IN BRUGES on Channel 4, we’re 18 minutes in and Colin Farrell’s character has said the word ‘midget’ multiple times now. The dialogue itself it quite funny and shows well how not-so-bright people actually talk about people with restricted growth. My blood boiled for an instance, but the delivery… Read more
Going On Me Holidays Again
Monday 16 August 2010…I’ll be returning in the fall. Keep safe. Read more
You Have To Be 110% Better Than Every One Else
Wednesday 11 August 2010This was what was said to me awhile back when I was seeking advice on going for a job. The person was impressed with my CV and tapped into something that I’ve thought about often when trying to establish myself in an interview situation and in a workplace. Whilst I… Read more
Someone Tried To Video Me On Their Phone
Monday 9 August 2010I was walking down the street with a friend who also has restricted growth, we were quite happily talking away when my friend went quiet. She’d clocked that a young man was taking too long to pass us and our small strides. We turned around and sure enough, he was… Read more
Friday 6 August 2010for the temperamental state of this blog of late…. I’m assured the problem has been resolved. Read more
You Look Like Pygmy
Friday 6 August 2010…can I stand next to you to see the difference? Well it’s been the week of attracting attention. This comment was made by a member of the public at work. I tried the ‘we all come in different shapes and sizes’ route, but the poor person didn’t look like they… Read more
Hello Short Arse
Wednesday 4 August 2010Was walking into a well known card shop in town, 3 boys, probably about 11 or 12 were walking towards me in my path. Their faces were a picture when they were presented with a woman who is much older than them, but looks up to them. Out of cheekiness… Read more
Label Me, Label You
Monday 2 August 2010Label for me, Label for you.…we all get them given, we all give them. I imagine even the nicest person in the world without prejudices will at some point make snap judgement about the people they meet… whether it’s about someone’s manner in which they present themselves, how they behave… Read more
End Of Week Blues
Friday 30 July 2010It’s Friday and I feel seriously depleted in the energy stakes. It’s like this every week and what is is caused by? Working, in my attempt to be a good citizen and pay taxes. I’ve spoken to other people with restricted about this and it’s a mix bag. Some people… Read more
So You're The One Marrying A Midget
Monday 26 July 2010It’s probably been just over a year since my beau had this rather horrible comment said to him while he was at work. To the uninitiated, some idiot thought it would they would try and get a rise out of him, thankfully beau was moved on quickly by his workmates… Read more
One To Watch – BBC Three Small Teen, Big World
Friday 23 July 2010For those of you with Freeview, tune your TV’s to BBC 3 on Tuesday 27th July at 9.00pm ladies and gents! BBC Three’s Adult Season is returning to our screens! The series explores the pressures on young people growing up quickly. On 27th July episode Small Teen, Big World with… Read more
The Restricted Growth Association
Wednesday 21 July 2010There comes a point in most restricted growth person’s life or for parents with kids with a form of dwarfism when you need to reach out to people who are going through similar experiences. This is where charities like the Restricted Growth Association (RGA) and the Child Growth Foundation (CGF)… Read more
Having a busy summer so far
Tuesday 20 July 2010…but not happy that the weather has gone a little cooler. The heat helps makes my joints feel less stiff – ho hum. Fear not, I’ve not gone into a pre-hibernation state, just enjoying the summer 🙂 More Little Lady ramblings to follow mid-week. Read more
3 Tips For Holidaying With Restricted Growth
Wednesday 14 July 2010Aloha! Guess who’s just back from their holidays?!? Moi! Had a fabulous time, ate lots of nice food and saw lots of interesting places. As ever, I always get a bit nervous about visiting new places, which is odd considering I love to travel. The nerves stem mainly from how… Read more
Little Lady Is Taking The Week Off
Tuesday 6 July 2010Off to enjoy the summertime. See you next week. Read more
The Conundrum That Is Family Guy…
Monday 5 July 2010…the animated US series that is shown (usually) very late on an evening on BBC 3 is like Marmite. You either love it or hate it. Me? I.love.it. Huh? How come? Some readers maybe wondering considering my usual aghast at the world and it’s portrayal of people with restricted growth… Read more
Update On New Medical Tests For DLA Recipients
Friday 2 July 2010Here’s an update from the Disability Alliance Website regarding the proposed medical assessments in the ConDem Emergency Budget 2010 for people receiving Disability Allowance: Disability Alliance: New medical test for DLA: more news » Read more
Disability Now – Warwick Davis Article
Thursday 1 July 2010Check out the interview with the short actor Warwick Davis as he talks about his career and up and coming series called ‘Life’s To Short’ which I discussed being rather apprehensive about in a previous post. Warwick admits that the sitcom will probably ‘strike a few nerves’ though insists that… Read more
DLA To Be Cut From 2013
Wednesday 30 June 2010I’m saddened to hear the announcement in the ConDems emergency budget that the DLA forms are to be replaced with a medical assessment and there are to be overall cuts. Whilst I get the ideology behind the reasons that every part of society needs to feel the brunt of the… Read more
TV Programme Review: Are You Having A Laugh
Tuesday 29 June 2010A friend of mine told me that this programme that takes a look at how disability is portrayed on TV in the last 50 years. While planning our evening timetable of TV, my beau asked me if this was going to one of those programmes that upset me and would… Read more
The Guardian Article – Little Britain: what is life like as a small person?
Monday 28 June 2010— The Guardian Article – Last week The Guardian published an article by Leo Benedictus featuring 3 people with restricted growth and their life experiences. Hats off to that newspaper for giving the community a voice in national platform in a national paper. Re-reading the article I’m still in agreement… Read more
The Guardian Article – Little Britain: what is life like as a small person?
Monday 28 June 2010The Guardian Article – Last week The Guardian published an article by Leo Benedictus featuring 3 people with restricted growth and their life experiences. Hats off to that newspaper for giving the community a voice in national platform in a national paper. Re-reading the article I’m still in agreement with… Read more
Hello Little Lady is taking a holiday
Saturday 26 June 2010Sorry for any inconvenience, we’ll be back on Monday. In the meantime if you need to get in touch please email contact @ hellolittlelady .com (no spaces) Read more
Where did January go?
Monday 2 February 2009Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. — …seriously! One minute it was the beginning of the new year and now I’m into the first week of Feb! Time is a certainly flying! I’m wondering… Read more
Skiing with the little ones
Monday 19 January 2009Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. — With some attempt at some exercise in 2009 I decided to try out skiing. Not of the snow kind, but of the dry-slope ski kind. I was… Read more
I’m feeling left out…
Friday 16 January 2009Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. — It’s that time of year when everyone see the time as a new start and make lots of resolutions about how they are going to tackle the… Read more
Mini me enters the Celebrity Big Brother House!
Sunday 4 January 2009Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. —- Well, it was a surprise to hear that Austin Powers actor – Verne Troyer has entered the Celebrity Big Brother 2009 house. On the one hand, I’m… Read more
Have felt better and…
Tuesday 30 December 2008Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. —- Have felt better and… December 30th, 2008 So here I am, sat wrapped in a blanket, full of the cold virus that’s been kicking around for the… Read more
Restricted Growth and Christmas Fear
Sunday 21 December 2008Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. —- So, last night I went out with a few friends to celebrate the festive season. There was flowing rapport between people, eased somewhat wine as we waited… Read more
Three things you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth – part#3
Friday 19 December 2008Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. —- Thankfully the third and final issue is not so much of a problem since I’ve started becoming a more curvaceous lady, but in my youth and early… Read more
Three things you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth – part#2
Wednesday 17 December 2008Unfortunately, I lost the early posts in a change over of web hosts. Below is what I have been able to retrueve from web.archive.org. —- Another regular thing that happens to a small person is that inevitable talk with friends, family members, work collegues and new people about “being little”.… Read more
3 things you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth – part#1
Monday 15 December 2008My first top thing you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth is say: “You’re small!” Really?! No!? I hadn’t noticed!? No s**t Sherlock! Really, you’re not the first person to point out the bleedin’ obvious and guess what sunshine, you won’t be the last. Ok, maybe I’m being… Read more
Three things you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth
Sunday 14 December 2008A lot of the problems that comes with being short stature are, for the most part, invisible. People – regardless if they are of average height or have another disability tend to have the mindset that the only problem we have is the fact that we are small and might… Read more
To freelance or not to freelance?
Monday 8 December 2008Over the past 10 years I experienced a few forms of employment. I’ve worked for a small agency, for a large organisation and freelanced (though not necessarily in that order). Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The small organisation; you get to know people quicker and it takes a… Read more
Those pesky sliding doors!
Sunday 7 December 2008Every restricted growth person will know what I’m on about here. Today I went on a Sunday shopping trip (shudder at the mass crowds thought) to one of the local out-of-town retail parks to buy my beau their Christmas present (no I haven’t told them what it is!). My attempt… Read more
“You come with baggage”
Friday 5 December 2008This was comment I received this week. I don’t particularly want to explain in what situation I was in, but needless to say it made feel quite mad and it had the “Oi” effect of how can you say that? Yes, I’m a disabled person and I need to have… Read more
Yes, it’s a blue badge parking space…
Sunday 9 November 2008…and no, I’m not waving my blue badge at you for fun. Can you see a running theme in these posts of late? Today went shopping with my beau and as ever circled like a hawk around the pre-Christmas full mall car park a few times before spotting a gentleman… Read more
The inconvenient blue badge…
Tuesday 4 November 2008Here’s the deal. I have a blue badge – I love it, it’s one of my favourite possessions. Not because of the feel of the cool blue plastic on my hands, but because it helps get me nearer to destinations I would think twice of visiting because of the distance… Read more
These boots…
Thursday 9 October 2008…ha ha, no I’m not about to break out into song. Yep, it’s that time of year again when the sun lowers in the sky, there is a distinct chill in the air and us short ladies have to go on a hunting spree to try and least pretend we… Read more
“Do you think you’ll ever stop the stares?”
Tuesday 7 October 2008This question was presented to me the other day and it left me feeling flummoxed. It’s not that I’ve not heard this sort of question in various guises in the past; I think it just hit me, that regardless of all the good intentions of raising awareness of restricted growth,… Read more
24 hours of “fame”
Thursday 28 August 2008It’s been all about the “you’re small” for the past day. It started at work with a colleague trying ‘explain’ that they don’t see me as small, “just HLL”. As I pointedly pointed out, they wouldn’t say this to any of our other colleagues or friends as it is a… Read more
My heart dropped today…
Friday 8 August 2008My heart dropped today as I walked through the shopping centre (albeit in my own small radius). Why? Look at the posting date. Yep, restricted growth people have probably guessed it – it’s the school holidays. And yep, it was stares-galore from the kids, young kids, teenagers and today even… Read more
Friday 1 August 2008Ordinarily I don’t take kindly to having the bleeding obvious pointed out to me, but the young child who walked past in the local supermarket car park said it so innocently it was difficult to muster up any anger. The mother pulled them away with usual embarrassment in their child… Read more