Home » Hello Little Lady Shortlisted for Blog Award

Hello Little Lady - Shortlisted in the Chronic Illness and Disability category by the Northern Blog Awards 2018

Hello Little Lady Shortlisted for Blog Award

Erm, well, it was quite nice to find out a month or so ago that this lovely little blog of mine has been shortlisted in the ‘Chronic Illness and Disability’ category for the Northern Blog Awards.

I think I accidentally nominated myself..!?

Apparently, nominations occur through someone who has nominated you or if you’ve done it yourself. Now, I was quite surprised to be shortlisted. Then I had this dawning realisation that I might have accidentally nominated myself. I have vague memories of half filling out a form for the blog, but chickening out hitting the submit button, making up the excuse that it wasn’t really relevant to the category. …Oh!

Who knows?! …Well, the organisers of the event, and rather than pondering on how the nomination came to be, I’ve realised I need to focus on enjoying being shortlisted and go about acquiring more public votes.

How the Northern Blog Awards voting system works

The winner for each award is determined by 60% of the judges, with the remaining 40% going out to the public vote.

What it would mean for me to win

While I have exhausted family, friends and followers in asking for votes, I thought it might be wise to outline to a wider audience what winning this award would mean to me.

  1. To raise awareness of the social, economic and wellbeing impact of what life is like living with dwarfism in the UK today,
  2. That the mainstream is starting to recognise the unique experiences people with dwarfism live,
  3. To further challenge the objectification and mainstream acceptance of the mockery of dwarf bodies and experiences.
  4. For a fairer representation of our rich and diverse community to a wider, more mainstream audience,
  5. The recognition of dwarfism as a disability.

Hello Little Lady will continue to promote the aims above whatever the outcome on 29th September in Manchester. Being shortlisted (oh goodness, the puns!) is an honour in itself. To know that my experiences are being read and recognised makes me feel humbled that my words about life living with Dwarfism can have an impact.

can I ask a favour?

If you like what you’ve read, please can you vote for me? You can do so via the link below. You’ll find Hello Little Lady in the ‘Chronic Illness and Disability’ category.

Vote Here

Closing date is: 29th July 2018
(it says 20th July on the form, but looks like the deadline has been extended by the organisers)

Thank you for your support! It’s very much appreciated!


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