Home » Become A Wayfinder!

Wayfinders workshop programme - leaflet

Become A Wayfinder!

While there are A LOT of horrible social aspects to living with Dwarfism, there is no doubt we’ve all had a giggle or two at some of the reactions of the non-disabled to our bodies.

WayFinders aims to turn the tables and provide us with the opportunity to laugh at the somewhat surreal moments living with Dwarfism presents.

If you feel nervous or not confident about being on a podcast – don’t!

You won’t be made to do anything you’re not comfortable with. The aim is to create a safe space where we can collaborate, be creative and have a good giggle at the same time.

In workshop 2 – we also have 3 great speakers who’ll be talking about the what’s and why’s of humour:

If you’d like to join in, let me know!

There are limited spaces and they are over halfway filled already.

Any questions about the project, please get in touch!

Steph x

PS Don’t worry if you don’t get a space – I’ll be announcing other ways to get involved with the project very soon!

The project has been funded by UNION: The Northern School of Creativity and Activism

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