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Tag: community arts

Blog Post - Photo of Hello, Little Lady's forehead in a mirror that is too high with the text Where is Hello, Little Lady?

Where is Hello, Little Lady?

Sadly,  there hasn’t been much content or discussion on Hello, Little Lady over the past 18 to 24 months.  Reactionary to particular events – personal, professional and family has meant that other parts of my life have had to take priority. There have been many moments over the past 18 months where I have felt …

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Union -The Northern School of Creativity and Activism - reflective journal

UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism – Leeds

Over the weekend of 11-12th January 2019, 20 creatives, artists and activists from the North of England met at a converted chapel for the commencement of UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism. UNION is a sector-based coaching programme for emerging community artists and social activists across the North of England.  The aim of …

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