Home » Life’s Too Short – The Making Of

Life’s Too Short – The Making Of

Warwick Davis’ new comedy series with Ricky Gervais is due to start soon – I’ve caught the trailer on BBC 1 on a number of occasions over the last week or so.  The Making of the Series is due to air on BBC 2 this Saturday (5th November) at 10.15pm – so set your set-top boxes to record it for those of us who’ll be out watching the fireworks.

Here’s the programme page ‘Life’s Too Short‘- bookmark it, as the dates and times of when the series will be aired, will be listed there.  You’ll also be able to watch it back on iPlayer, usually for 7 days after the episode has been aired.

You can view the preview clips here which are worth a look.

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    • Little Lady says:

      Yes Kiruna, I shall be. Got the kettle and the biscuits at the ready. Looks like it has the glitterati of the dwarf world involved 🙂
      Maybe about the heightism, but let’s hope in more positive roles rather than being a focus of mockery or to be laughed at 🙂 Just thought… what will I have to moan about when that does happen?!? OMG! :-O

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