Home » Disabled Artists – Applications for funding from UnLimited now open

Buzzcut, Double Thrills, '-ish' by Aby Watson. Photo by Julia Bauer
Buzzcut, Double Thrills, '-ish' by Aby Watson. Photo by Julia Bauer

Disabled Artists – Applications for funding from UnLimited now open


Unlimited funds artists to create exceptional artworks – and we really want to reach out as many people as possible who might be interested in applying. Please share this opportunity widely with your networks using #UnlimitedCommissions.

The next round of applications is now open for disabled artists and companies creating disability-led work based in the UK.

You can apply for up to £10,000 for Emerging Artists Awards and Research and Development Awards, and up to £80,000 for Main Commissions.

These include Partnership Awards with Farnham Maltings, Forest of Dean Sculpture Trust, Forma, GOSH Arts and Wellcome Collection.

The deadline to submit an Expression of Interest is 29 October 2018.

Visit their website to apply and find out more information »

My Own Personal Experience Of The Process

I was encouraged to apply for funding through UnLimited around this time last year.  While I was unsuccessful in being shortlisted,  the experience gave me the confidence boost I needed to pursue my own creative endeavours, such as the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition which takes place this October.

UnLimited is an Arts Council funded initiative that helps disabled people create exceptional art.

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