Home » Your Chance to Participate in the You’re Just Little exhibition

Blurred photo of Hello Little Lady holding a camera in mirror with the blog title - Participate in the 'You're Just Little' photographic exhibition

Your Chance to Participate in the You’re Just Little exhibition

One of the aspects that is incredibly important to me as part of the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition is having a participatory element.  My world of dwarfism is not unique to just me, there are many of us out there seeing and interacting with the world and I’d love to share that.

Let’s show the world what it is like down here.

To include other perspectives of dwarfism, I’m inviting people with dwarfism to share their viewpoint of the world. These contributions (photographs) will then be printed off and included as part the installation to show the wide range of heights within the dwarf community.

To make the participation more impactful, I would love for you to share your photos through your social media channel or through the Hello Little Lady Facebook Page,  tagged with the hashtag #yourejustlittle.

How to participate

Please note, ONLY people with dwarfism are permitted to participate in this exercise.

Then aim of the photographs is to highlight situations, where you’re dwarfism, presents an access issue or highlights the difficulties you have moving about your environment.


  1. Using your mobile phone, take up to 3 photographs as you navigate your surroundings at your eye-level.
  2. Upload your photo here »
  3. Then post your photo on the Hello Little Lady Facebook here using the hashtag #yourejustlittle.


  • Please make sure the photos are appropriate for public viewing. Please do not include photos of children, unless they are your own and you give permission for them to be included as part of the exhibition and for them to be shared online.  Backs of people in crowds are preferable.
  • Participants must be aged 18 or over.
  • By participating, uploading and sharing your photos, you give Hello Little Lady permission to print and distribute them through social media and to exhibit them at the ‘You’re Just Little’ exhibition in October and any venue that the exhibition tours in.



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