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What's Your Story - Podcasting Workshops specifically for Dwarf people

Announcement: Sunderland Creative Development Fellowship

You know when you have those moments when you talk yourself in and out of applying for something that you know will make a difference in your life? Well, this was one of those moments when the Sunderland Culture Creative Development Bursary fellowship was announced and I decided to apply after much encouragement and support …

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What's Your Story - Podcasting Workshops specifically for Dwarf people

Podcasting Workshop – Leeds – October 2019

Are you fed up of how our bodies are portrayed in arts, culture and media? Would you like the opportunity to tell your story, and learn about podcasting, in a safe space, in a workshop specifically for the Dwarf community? To coincide with Dwarfism Awareness month 2019, Steph is running a workshop to enable Dwarf …

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