Wow! Lots of comments and emails over the last 24 hours with the end of the airing of Small Teen, Bigger World on BBC 3 last night.
While it is heartening to see so many people passionate and inspired by the programme, I would like to clarify once again I’m NOT Jasmine or Bev Burkitt!
I’m a 30-something woman with another form of restricted growth who lives somewhere in the UK. I keep my identity hidden for many reasons, mainly because I talk about sensitive subjects that do not necessarily sit comfortably with normies and I like to have a good moan at what I perceive are in the injustices of being a short arse in a tall world. If you would like to get in touch with Jasmine or her Mum Bev, I would strongly recommend that you pop on over to their official website at
Thank You!
i am a 26 year old women and have a growth short im just under 3 feet tall i can not get fashion for me i have wear clothes for 4 year olds do you know of any clubs for short people
Hi Cindy – you might want to try contacting the restricted growth association at It was one of the best things I did in getting to know other people with dwarfism.