Home » Update On New Medical Tests For DLA Recipients

Update On New Medical Tests For DLA Recipients

Here’s an update from the Disability Alliance Website regarding the proposed medical assessments in the ConDem Emergency Budget 2010 for people receiving Disability Allowance:

Disability Alliance: New medical test for DLA: more news »


  1. Eleanor says:

    Hi I’m looking for some advice. My son is 3 years old soon to be 4. He as dwarfism but the type of dwarfism is still to be diagnosed. My question is… is he entitled to dla!? Or am I entitled to some help with getting him a pushchair!? I currently do not drive and he’s going through prams faster than I can keep up financially. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading. 🙂

    • Little Lady says:

      Hi, Eleanor, it would be best to talk to your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) about this. If you have a health visitor, then they should also be able to advise on applying for PIP for your son. Best wishes, Little Lady.

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