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Category: Benefits

The ‘joys’ of buying car insurance as a disabled driver

It’s been that ‘delightful’ time of year to renew my car insurance. My current insurer had sent me a renewal that put my quote up over a £100 than what I paid last year. I felt a bit hopeful that access to different insurance brokers may have widened since before I went back on the …

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DLA to PIP – a Dwarf’s perspective

About a month ago I received the decision from the DWP regarding my PIP award. I had received an indefinite award for the higher rate mobility over 10 years ago, but due to the changes in this particular benefit and the Government’s insistence that everyone, regardless of how long someone was awarded DLA, must be reassessed. …

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War on Welfare and other petitions

I haven’t had my head completely in the sand this last few months and I’ve been increasingly despairing at the looming changes to Disability Living Allowance into Personal Independence Payments. Thankfully the disgraceful treatment of disabled people at the hand of ATOS and their Work Capability Assessments are finally beginning to make into mainstream media …

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DLA To Be Changed

I’ve stayed clear of this for some time now as it’s a subject that makes me severely depressed.  The universal benefit Disability Living Allowance is to be renamed to Personal Independent Payments.  All claimants are to be reassessed except those with a terminal illness.  This is the point where I hang my head and cry. …

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DLA To Be Cut From 2013

I’m saddened to hear the announcement in the ConDems emergency budget that the DLA forms are to be replaced with a medical assessment and there are to be overall cuts.  Whilst I get the ideology behind the reasons that every part of society needs to feel the brunt of the deficit, I’m a bit bewildered …

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