Home » Little People UK Aim To Educate People About The ‘M’ Word

Little People UK Aim To Educate People About The ‘M’ Word

Next October will once again be Dwarfism Awareness Month. I kind of missed it last year, but thought it was an amazing idea to help raise awareness of people living with restricted growth.

In the run-up to October, Little People, UK, is charity for people with dwarfism in the UK, is leading an educational campaign about the derogative use of the word ‘midget’.

Personally, I don’t like the word.  The times I do hear it – on radio, on TV, used by comedians and entertainers, it usually used to belittle, make fun of, or point out the difference of a particular group of people (i.e. us dwarves), where such behaviour or attitudes would not be tolerated for other minority groups.

You can read more about the LP UK campaign on their website »




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