I found this inspiring article written by Michelle Harris on the Guardian website today and wanted to share it with you dear readers. Wonderfully written, it tells the journey of Michelle and early motherhood. Being a woman, I could completely identify with her worries, concerns and fears about bearing a child and how we would …
Tag: Social Attitudes
How Do I Stop My Son Marrying A Midget?
< rant > Excuse me?!? I’ve been analysing the keywords readers are using to find HelloLittleLady.com. I was aghast at seeing the phrase above. How disgusting, how bigoted, narrow minded can one particular searcher be?!? Not happy with the fact that this person’s son has found love, they are actively looking for ways to sabotage …
You’re Small – Get Over It!
Hmmm! This one always manages to hit a raw nerve and lets just say that it had the desired effect by the person saying it on making me feel incredibly angry and upset. Did I take the person to task? Hell no, the people around me told me not to indulge them and to rise …
What A Long Way We Restricted Growth People Have To Go
< rant > Oh dear, I’ve just watched BBC Question Time and was very saddened by the panels reaction to whereby some of our most senior politicians are using dwarfism to insult each other. Not only am I alarmed at how it is brushed off by one audience member as ‘political correctness gone mad’, but …
Hello Short Arse
Was walking into a well known card shop in town, 3 boys, probably about 11 or 12 were walking towards me in my path. Their faces were a picture when they were presented with a woman who is much older than them, but looks up to them. Out of cheekiness and trying to be clever …
Label Me, Label You
Label for me, Label for you.…we all get them given, we all give them. I imagine even the nicest person in the world without prejudices will at some point make snap judgement about the people they meet… whether it’s about someone’s manner in which they present themselves, how they behave or their accent. Each of …
So You're The One Marrying A Midget
It’s probably been just over a year since my beau had this rather horrible comment said to him while he was at work. To the uninitiated, some idiot thought it would they would try and get a rise out of him, thankfully beau was moved on quickly by his workmates as he went to punch …
The Conundrum That Is Family Guy…
…the animated US series that is shown (usually) very late on an evening on BBC 3 is like Marmite. You either love it or hate it. Me? I.love.it. Huh? How come? Some readers maybe wondering considering my usual aghast at the world and it’s portrayal of people with restricted growth and disabilities. Don’t worry, I …
TV Programme Review: Are You Having A Laugh
A friend of mine told me that this programme that takes a look at how disability is portrayed on TV in the last 50 years. While planning our evening timetable of TV, my beau asked me if this was going to one of those programmes that upset me and would have me shouting at the …
Where did January go?
Unfortunately, I lost the early posts when my web hosts changed. Below is what I have been able to retrieve from web.archive.org. — …seriously! One minute it was the beginning of the new year and now I’m into the first week of Feb! Time is a certainly flying! I’m wondering also if I’ve had a …