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Category: Short Watch

Baby Born With Double Dwarfism In The UK

Baby, Nathan Phillips, was born with two types of dwarfism inherited from both parents.  I remember reading about Nathan in the paper and thinking what’s this double dwarfism about and being pretty amazed by the story. I’ve never heard of this being possible! You might remember Nathan’s Mum, Laura from the Channel4 programme ‘Seven Dwarves’ …

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Short Watch: Warwick Davis On Able Radio

Having listened to Warwick’s interview on Able Radio, it’s amazing to listen to what his life story has entailed and how fortunate he has been to be able to make a career as an actor. On to talk about his up and coming comedy show with Ricky Gervais, it was interesting to hear Warwick’s perception …

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From MSN: Cheryl Cole Treats Birthday Boy Simon To A Singing Dwarf

Having been roaming around the web this evening I found the link below. http://celebrity.uk.msn.com/news/gossip/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=154888199 Is this true?? * Head slumps onto laptop keyboard in exasperation * Why? I get the fact that people with restricted growth should make their money however they wish, however, I can’t help but feel this, once again reinforces, that people …

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It’s Like Being Famous, But Without The Money

How very true.  This was the phrase used by Bev Burkitt when describing what it is like being a person of restricted growth and the attraction that being so garners, though in our case it’s not sort after like a celebrity. I watched the BBC documentary ‘Small Teen, Big World’ for the second time to …

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Disability Now – Warwick Davis Article

Check out the interview with the short actor Warwick Davis as he talks about his career and up and coming series called ‘Life’s To Short’  which I discussed being rather apprehensive about in a previous post. Warwick admits that the sitcom will probably ‘strike a few nerves’  though insists that it is he who will …

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